
(SuePer Online Selling) 


Yes! It’s FINALLY time to learn how to sell online!

The free report you requested is on it’s way through cyber space, and should be arriving in the next 30 minutes or so.

I trust that the report will be helpful to you. Regardless of your goals and where you plan to start, I definitely encourage you to start now! And, I am willing to help you get started on your journey, if you would like.

As a matter of fact, I would be happy to give you a FREE 30-minute consultation to discuss your exact situation. No cost; no obligation at all. During this call, you can tell me about your situation and goals, and I will make recommendations on where you should start, and give you some direction on doing so.

I offer this free service because I really enjoy mentoring people who want to get started selling online. I love the freedom this business has given to me and my family, having been home full time now for over five years. And, I figure that if you find value in the help I give you, you might even consider hiring me for my more advanced mentoring services.

With that said, please understand that I’m not offering a sales pitch in disguise. I promise not to pressure you, or pester you in any way. Actually, if you think I’ve wasted your time by the end of our call, let me know right away and I’ll write you a check for $10. Yep, I really don’t want to waste your time.


Now before I go any further, please know that I can’t help everyone.  I have to limit my services to those who are serious about selling – people who will actually take action. It will also be necessary to invest in inventory to sell, as well as time and energy to learn and implement the systems I teach. I offer a mentoring package for $250 and another one for $500 – very reasonable, but not free.


So, here’s what to do next. If you want to schedule a free planning session with me, simply click the APPLY HERE link below. When you click, you will see a form with a few questions about you and what you are looking to accomplish by selling online. This information will help me decide if I think I can help you or not. If not, I’ll send an e-mail with recommendations based upon your answers. If I can help you, I will reach out to schedule the free consultation. Sound fair?


If you’re still interested, go ahead and fill out the form now. But, whether you fill out the form or not, I wish you the best of luck with your online selling plans. The best time to start was 10 years ago; the next best time is NOW!



Larry and Sue Pruett

We will show you where the low hanging fruit is!

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