Join Sue on Thursday, May 24, 2018 

Sue Pruett has been selling online since 2005, and she’s learned a few things about how to use Facebook to grow a business. She is ready to share what she’s learned with you in this free master class!

During this hour, Sue will hold nothing back as she shares with you the vital components to a successful Facebook ad campaign. AND – for those who attend the webinar live and stay to the end, well, let’s just say you will be rewarded! (Sue has been putting together a very special offer for anyone who attends live and stays to the end.)

If you attend the webinar and begin implementing the steps Sue teaches in this Master Class, you will be able to:

  • Learn to properly set up your next Facebook ad campaign
  • Prepare amazing content for your ads
  • Grow your audience that will become your raving fans
  • Understand how to set goals for your ads – so that you can celebrate your success!
  • Maximize your time and energy to finally have the Facebook Ad Campaign that pays off for your business

So, are you ready to take action? Register now for this one-time event!

About Sue

Sue and her husband, Larry, began their first business in 2005. Since then, they have developed multiple streams of income, including helping others with their online presence.

Along the way, they have made many mistakes, learned much, and achieved many victories! Sue loves to share what she has learned with other businesses, to help them achieve their goals.

Presented by Sue Pruett

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